Determining the Difference Between Horizontal and Vertical Balustrades

Stainless steel balustrades can help complete the look of any railing, whether it is indoors or outdoors. Your choice of design can help give more character to the space in question and improve any space without breaking the bank. Balustrades are available in wood, metal, PVC, fibreglass, composites and cables. However, they can only be vertical or horizontal. A vertical railing is common in many homes, mainly due to its safety. The balusters are placed between the rails in the same way a staircase goes on a set of stairs. However, home and business owners usually have a preference for horizontal cables. This does not include traditional balusters, though. However, they have 2-3 rails that run along the space and are attached at equal intervals in the posts. This post will show readers why horizontal balusters, even though they are the choice of many, should not be used over vertical balusters. But first, here are some advantages and disadvantages of installing the horizontal railing.

Advantages and disadvantages of horizontal balustrades

The cost of horizontal balustrades usually defines whether a person gets them or not. Horizontal railings are cheaper than the vertical, however, they lack in safety. This is because less material is needed for installation, which means more ways to get hurt. Horizontal designs also mean fewer connections, which reduces fasteners and hardware used. This helps to reduce overall costs, but again, safety becomes an issue.

Versatility is a huge advantage when it comes to horizontal because it allows the person to use whatever materials they want for the railings. You can use composite, glass or cable, or settle for the more conventional materials such as wood or metal. This gives you a high degree of design flexibility. Nonetheless, vertical stainless steel balustrades offer a degree of complexity that may never be matched.

Horizontal balusters tend to block a person’s field of view, which means home and business owners are not able to get a view of the area that vertical balusters offer. This is useful if you want privacy, but most people want to be able to see beyond their backyards. Even though privacy is obtained through horizontal balusters, it does come with its dangers. For instance, if you have young children, they may be tempted to climb on the horizontal rails. This may expose a child to danger.

Advantages of vertical balustrades

Balustrades tend to play an important role in the architectural design of country houses. These low fence columns decorate stairs, bridges and balconies, giving the surrounding area hints of classic elegance and style. Appearing in the Middle Ages, modern balustrades are back in business – new materials are being used without compromising safety and beauty. Stainless steel vertical balusters are mounted on pedestals and secured on top of any guard rail – the result is an exquisite decoration that can elevate almost any room of a country house or apartment. Balustrades decorate a terrace beautifully but it also acts as a guard, protecting you and your guests from falling down the stairs or balconies. Check out some of our Balustrades we sell on the Sunshine Coast.

By choosing stainless steel vertical balusters, most people realise this: the difference is subtle but massive at the same time. The material is also packed with gigantic advantages over other types… It is, thus, also easy to maintain because it prevents dust and rust from gathering on its surface. It is equally durable and resistant to moisture, all types of acids and also against corrosion, partly because it is composed of nickel and chrome.

The first common point between these two choices is ecological, as they are both renewable options. Stainless steel is often nicknamed the green material for the simple reason that it can be recycled. In addition to the strength and the practical benefits a vertical baluster offers, it is simple to install as well. The principle of both options is often the same, that is to say, they both can connect various parts to each other, thus, ensuring the character of the balustrade. At the end of the day, however, people will appreciate its reliability to protect people from accidental injuries. What should not be neglected though, is the durability and aesthetics a vertical balustrade provides.

Final thoughts…

Safety should always be in the back of a person’s mind when constructing a balustrade. Horizontal balusters need longer lengths of equipment than vertical rails, which means increased costs along with increased dangers. If a portion is damaged or worn, owners will have to replace the entire length. However, vertical rails consist of short lengths of rail which makes them less expensive to replace. It also takes more effort and time to repair horizontal balusters. This is because home or business owners have to remove the connectors on the entire length of the railing to replace the damaged part.

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